10 marketplaces found
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BW is mostly interpreted as “cryptocurrency network”. As one of the three famous mining pools in the early days, BW possesses the top-level global...
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We could not find a lot of information about this exchange - be careful when dealing with them. They have the following features: User-friendly in...
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BTCXIndia is one of the leading Bitcoin exchanges in India. It offers real time trading between rupees and bitcoins for the Indian community.
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In late 2013 the project team started as a spin off another Lithuanian company - Mistertango. BTC-EXCHANGE has managed to bootstrap itself into an ind...
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DSX is a cryptocurrency exchange based in London. DSX offers a regulated foundation by partnering with an FCA authorised electronic money institution,...
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SafeTrade is a multi cryptocurrency exchange platform developed by the SafeCoin team. It enables users with the ability to trade (buy/sell) cryptoc...
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Crypto Exchange.ws is not a bank and we do not sell coins or cryptocurrencies. The Crypto coins or FIAT coins are offered for sale by users who sign ...
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STEX is a multi cryptocurrency exchange platform. It provides users with the ability to trade (buy/sell) cryptocurrencies. The platform facilitates...
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Ironex is an online multi-cryptocurrency Exchange under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China. The platform users can trade several cry...
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C-CEX.com is a crypto to crypto exchange and fiat to crypto exchange and offers an alternative to the mainstays of Poloniex and Bittrex. The exchan...